가정법 특수용법
가정법 특수용법 If가 생략된 경우 - 가정법 구문은 "if"를 생략하고 사용할 수 있습니다. 방법은 과감하게 if를 생략하고 if절 안에 있는 조동사 혹은 be동사를 주어 앞에 두면 됩니다. ① If I were in the library, I would see you. (가정법 과거) → Were I in the library, I would see you. ② If I have some money, I will buy you coffee. (가정법 현재) → Have I some money, I will buy you coffee. ③ If you would study harder, you would pass the exam. (가정법 미래) → Would you study harder, you w..
2014. 2. 12. 16:48